Adélaide Lydia Vanier

Perpetual Calendar

Gender: femme
Father: Jean-Baptiste Vanier
Mother: Marie Cloutier
    Augustin Elias Aubry

No object.

    Birth : After 1826
    Death : After 1900
    Marriage : July 3rd, 1845St-Joseph du Corbeau, Coopersville, co. de Clinton, New York, États-Unis

Ascending family tree (Vanier and Geoffrion ancestors only) to print or to consult

French / English Glossary

Naissance (1826)
? septembre 1826
Date à valider en trouvant l'acte de baptême car ses parents se sont mariés le 3 octobre 1826 (voir note ci-dessous)
Adelaide Lydia Vanier, fille de Jean-Baptiste Vanier et de Marie Cloutier
Endroit: Canada
rootsweb - Aubrey-Bowden Ancestors
Entries: 9320 Updated: 2008-06-30 01:46:41 UTC (Mon) Contact: Judy Bowden
Note sur l'incertitude de la date de naissance: (en anglais)
The 1900 Federal Census gives her month and year of birth as ?Sept. 1826?; the Census of 1860 gives her age as ?33" (i.e. born circa 1827); and that of 1880 as ?52" (i.e. born circa 1828). According to the 1900 Census, Lydia immigrated to the United States in 1840. In 1900 Lydia resided in the household of her son-in-law, Edward M. Yetto, on Pawling Avenue, Troy, New York. As ?Alida Aubrey, widow,? she appears in the 1900-1901 and 1901-1902 city directories for Troy, boarding at Pawling av., Albia. Her appearance in the latter directory is the last known reference to her.

Mariage (1845)
3 juillet 1845
Selon la référence no 1:
Marie Adélaide Vanier, fille mineure de Jean-Baptiste Vanier et de Marie Cloutier demeurant à Ross Pointe (c'est plutôt: Rouses Point)
et de
Augustin Aubry, fils majeur de François Xavier Aubry et de Marie Louise Labelle
En présence de: Baptiste Vanier, François Aubry, ? Richard, Noël ?, Joseph ?, témoins qui ont déclaré ne savoir signer.
Selon la référence no 2:
Adelaide Lydia Vanier, fille de Jean-Baptiste Vanier et de Marie Cloutier
et de
Elias Augustin Aubrey, fils de Francis Xavier Aubrey et de Genevieve Louise Labelle
Paroisse: St-Joseph du Corbeau, Coopersville, comté de Clinton, New York, États-Unis
Premiers registres de l’Église catholique française des États-Unis (Collection Drouin), 1695 à 1954 [base de données en ligne]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007.
2) rootsweb - Aubrey-Bowden Ancestors
Entries: 9320 Updated: 2008-06-30 01:46:41 UTC (Mon) Contact: Judy Bowden
Note: _UIDFC9E85BF0509D611873E000021EFDAF0726E

Domicile (25 juillet 1860): Clinton, Clinton, New York, États-Unis
Domicile (1 juin 1880): Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, États-Unis
Domicile (19 juin 1900): Troy, Rensselaer, New York, États-Unis
rootsweb - Aubrey-Bowden Ancestors
Entries: 9320 Updated: 2008-06-30 01:46:41 UTC (Mon) Contact: Judy Bowden

Lydia A. ou Josephine Aubrey marié à Edward A. Yetto
Marie-Elodie Aubrey; Mathilde Cliche; Xavier Frank Aubrey; Joseph Aubrey; Marie-Malvina Martell et 9 autres

Après 1900
Adelaide Lydia Vanier
Endroit: New York, États-Unis
rootsweb - Aubrey-Bowden Ancestors
Entries: 9320 Updated: 2008-06-30 01:46:41 UTC (Mon) Contact: Judy Bowden


Extrait du livre:
J'aime New York, 2nd Edition
Publié par: Éloise A. Brière, David B. Graham
State University of New York Press, Albany
2012 State University of New York
Page 44

L'église St. Joseph fondée en 1818, fult à l'origine un bâtiment en rondins de bois desservant les fidèles canadiens-français. À sa reconstruction en 1845, elle était l'unique église catholique située au nord de Plattsburgh.


Note sur Rouse Point:
Rouses Point est un village du comté de Clinton (New York), aux États-Unis, d'une population d'environ 2 277 habitants. Le village est en partie au nord-est de la ville de Champlain et se trouve au nord de Plattsburgh. Il est à moins d'un mile au sud de la frontière canado-américaine. Il se trouve aussi à la frontière avec l'État du Vermont.


St. Joseph-du-Corbeau’s Church
Coopersville, New York

Clinton County was served by missionaries from Chambly, Canada. The area around Champlain was referred to as ‘le mission du Corbeau’. St. Joseph’s Church in Coopersville is the oldest foundation of any settlement in the Champlain Valley. It is the oldest Church that had it’s beginning in 1749 with it’s first Church built at Trombly Bay in 1790.

Father Joseph Signay was assigned to the church in 1806 and would later become the Bishop of Quebec in 1833. He built or caused to be built, the first Church on the shores of the Chazy River in the cemetery given the name of St. Josephs’ located on the Mason Road in the hamlet of Coopersville. The present building was erected in 1843.

The Church at Trombly Bay was built by Father Pierre Huet de la Valiniere who had been accused of pro-revolutionary sympathy. As he was traversing the Champlain Valley en-route to Montreal in 1785, he arrived in Montreal but was unwelcome and walked back to New York. He then traveled to Philadelphia where he received permission to labor among the neglected refugees at the Mission du Corbeau.

Churches in the United States
